history of nokia

  • Nokia 1100 and Nokia 1110 are both the best-selling phones of all time. Two phones are sold around 250 million units worldwide. The Nokia 1100 and the Nokia 1110 were released in 2003. These phones did not have any camera, not a color screen. Yet, the reason for this sale was so much that both Nokia and Nokia were targeting the developing countries. There are plenty of people in the world who do not have an iPhone, but a mobile phone is needed! By which communication can be saved at least. Those people needed a phone like Nokia 1100 or 1110. Phones were flashlight, composer, calculator etc. In 2009, Nokia stopped production of 1100. Before the production was stopped, some models of Nokia 1100 made in German software were found to have a defect. Some models were programmed in such a way that it could collect information from other phone's sensitive messages, such as online banking. Some of the Nokia 1100 models were sold for more than $ 32,000!.....
